Ep 292: Guardian Down Cast: Week 3 Heresy...More Builds, Trials and Iron Banner HYPE!!

(For those of you who may have just discovered our podcast, we are a weekly gaming show with an emphasis on the Destiny franchise and we like to sprinkle in some entertainment and other topics of discussion relating to our hobbies from time to time as well…but we have been producing audio episodes for nearly 6 years now and as the game has evolved, we have evolved as well. We now produce a live version of our show on YT and now our Discord Stage channel where you can interact with us in the chat LIVE on our new day/time: Thursday nights at 9pm est. We'll also have a replay of tonight’s show on my YT channel and of course, the audio version is always available for our podcast apps and you can always go to our website guardiandowncast.com to listen to any individual episodes as well whenever you like.)

In this episode, we will start the show with our usual “weekly catch up” and next, Kingsleymac and I will share yet another build that seems to be really hot this Episode. We’ll go over "This Week in Destiny" from Bungie with any important information. I will also share my Trials of Osiris experience this past week and I have to say…it was NOT what I was expecting. Also, we have some questions from our community that we’ll answer… if you in chat have any input/questions, @ myself or Kingsleymac and we’ll try to share them live on the show…It’s a pretty chill show this week from a balmy 52 degree night here in Central Florida, so if everyone’s ready…let’s roll.

Join our community: discord.gg/guardiandowncast

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