What’s up Guardian...welcome to Episode 294 of Guardian Down Cast...I’m your host Todd, the GATR and I’m a Day One Guardian who loves gaming and especially, the Destiny franchise…we’re the podcast that’s all about your stories, your community…and your Destiny.…this week, I have my co-host Kingsleymac with me again this…
(For those of you who may have just discovered our podcast, we are a weekly gaming show with an emphasis on the Destiny franchise and we like to sprinkle in some entertainment and other topics of discussion relating to our hobbies from time to time as well…but we have been…
This week, Kingsleymac, ToddtheGatr and special guest DEADPOOL-1-MERC have 4 fresh topics related to gaming to discuss. We highlight any important news in This Week In Destiny blog as well. Plus, a bonus story relating to Bungie was mentioned as well. Don't forget the outtakes at the end of the…
What’s up Guardian...welcome to Episode 293 of Guardian Down Cast...I’m your host Todd, the GATR and I’m a Day One Guardian who loves gaming and especially, the Destiny franchise…We’re the podcast that’s all about your stories, your community…and your Destiny. (For those of you who may have just discovered our…
This week, Kingsleymac and ToddtheGatr are back to talk about Week 3 of Destiny 2 Heresy and Kingsley actually played Iron Banner! Todd also shares his experience playing the new revamped Trials of Osiris and it's not what he thought. Mike and Todd catch up on their week and also…
Playing some Iron Banner with members of our discord community. If you would like to join our community: discord.gg/guardiandowncast Playing PS5 controller on PC Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAWB7ZQak7rczvAQiaCynCw/join
(For those of you who may have just discovered our podcast, we are a weekly gaming show with an emphasis on the Destiny franchise and we like to sprinkle in some entertainment and other topics of discussion relating to our hobbies from time to time as well…but we have been…
(For those of you who may have just discovered our podcast, we are a weekly gaming show with an emphasis on the Destiny franchise and we like to sprinkle in some entertainment and other topics of discussion relating to our hobbies from time to time as well…but we have been…
(For those of you who may have just discovered our podcast, we are a weekly gaming show with an emphasis on the Destiny franchise and we like to sprinkle in some entertainment and other topics of discussion relating to our hobbies from time to time as well…but we have been…
This week Kingsleymac and ToddtheGatr share their initial impressions of the new episodic content from Bungie. We also share tips and tricks to help you survive and enjoy the new Nether activity on the Dreadnaught. The first Destiny Help Desk segment is here this week as well. Welcome to Guardian…
We are running a VOG with a new member who has never completed a raid...plus new craftable weapons and new weapons to test. Join our community: discord.gg/guardiandowncast #destiny2finalshape #destiny2heresy #bungie Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAWB7ZQak7rczvAQiaCynCw/join
(For those of you who may have just discovered our podcast, we are a weekly gaming show with an emphasis on the Destiny franchise and we like to sprinkle in some entertainment and other topics of discussion relating to our hobbies from time to time as well…but we have been…
This week, it's our January Roundtable Episode where we will all bring a topic in gaming to the "table" and discuss. This week's topics include AI, Bungie New Player Experience (revisited) and 7 Major Events in the Gaming Industry that will make or break 2025". We also go over the…
(For those of you who may have just discovered our podcast, we are a weekly gaming show with an emphasis on the Destiny franchise and we like to sprinkle in some entertainment and other topics of discussion relating to our hobbies from time to time as well…but we have been…
How does Bungie save the studio and the Destiny 2 game? In this episode, ToddtheGatr and Kingsleymac discuss some ways that Bungie could make a comeback, but let's not be delusional...these shifts that we discuss would be monumental but doable and keep Destiny 2 fans and bring in new players…
(For those of you who may have just discovered our podcast, we are a weekly gaming show with an emphasis on the Destiny franchise and we like to sprinkle in some entertainment and other topics of discussion relating to our hobbies from time to time as well…but we have been…
On one of our GDC Roundtable episodes, we discuss the 5 things that will alert you that your relationship is going in the wrong direction. We all love our gaming hobby, but years ago, my gaming addiction nearly ended my marriage, so learn from my mistakes from 32 years of…
On one of our GDC Roundtable episodes, we discuss the 5 things that will alert you that your relationship is going in the wrong direction. We all love our gaming hobby, but years ago, my gaming addiction nearly ended my marriage, so learn from my mistakes from 32 years of…
What’s up Guardian...welcome to Episode 287 of Guardian Down Cast, a Destiny podcast...I’m your host Todd, the GATR and I’m a Day One Guardian who loves gaming and especially, the Destiny franchise…we’re the podcast that’s all about your stories, your community…and your Destiny.…this week, we have the whole gang together…
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAWB7ZQak7rczvAQiaCynCw/join
In this week's episode, Kingsleymac and ToddtheGatr catch up on their week, including a movie that Gatr is uncomfortable talking about. We also share our thoughts and experiences playing Destiny 2: Episode 2 Revenant, Act 3, including the new Kell's Fall exotic shotgun mission. You won't want to miss our…
What’s up Guardian...welcome to Episode 286 of Guardian Down Cast...I’m your host Todd, the GATR and I’m a Day One Guardian who loves gaming and especially, the Destiny franchise…we’re the podcast that’s all about your stories, your community…and your Destiny.…this week we have my co-host Kingsleymac with me (RNGGator is…
It's our last episode of 2024 and while most podcasts have taken the week off, we're here bringing you a special episode with my friends Jellis and Warcry. We discuss various topics and even some of the woes of Bungie and Destiny 2. It's a candid conversation with 2 mods…