May 13, 2022

Special Bonus Patreon Episode

Special Bonus Patreon Episode

We're two veteran Destiny gamer dads that love everything in the Destiny Universe and we talk about it...we also interview content creators and community members to hear their stories...this episode was released last week to our Patreon supporters and...

We're two veteran Destiny gamer dads that love everything in the Destiny Universe and we talk about it...we also interview content creators and community members to hear their stories...this episode was released last week to our Patreon supporters and this episode was very special to me as you'll find out...I am NOT looking for sympathy here as many of us are going through this in our lives, but if I can reach just one person who this might help out, it's worth it -Gatr  

Special thanks to JellisGaming and ElmmerfuddGames  and of course, Hazel, for their wonderful outtakes as well...continue to be safe everyone and take care of one another and later guardian.

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