Special Holiday Episode
Special Guest: Avgjoe
Special Guests: ElmmerFuddGames and RNGGator
Clan Cast #1
Special Guest SweatySpookz
Special Guests: The Guardian Hub and Two Titans & a Hunter
Special Guest: RPGMagnet34
Special Guest: Kingsleymac from The Guardian Hub Podcast
Special Guest: Truthl1ves
Special Guest: ElmmerFuddGames
Special Guest: PaleriderXP
Special Guest: BlueCrew86
Special Guest: DeSRaven
Special Guest: Zanifan 7-11
We're two dads that love everything in the Destiny Universe and we talk about it...this week's guest we like so much, that we asked him back to talk Destiny...our friend of the show, . This week, we catch up with RNG and also talk about what's...
Special Guest: Pattycakes Gaming
Special Guest: Nitedemon
Special Guest: Nullzy
Special guest: Isakole
Special Guest: ElmmerFuddGames
Special Guest: Grneyedmusiklvr
Special Guest: 0_jughead_0
Special Guest RedQueen