Special Guests: Startien and Kingsleymac
We're two dads that love everything in the Destiny Universe and we talk about it...this weeks' guests are a husband and wife team that both love to game...it's Kingsleymac and his wife Startien. We hear her story and catch up. They both try their hand at our newly improved fast fire segment we call...The SpeedRun. We talk TWAB for this 4th week of Season of the Chosen and answer questions from our Guardian Down Cast Discord community and Speakpipe voice mail. Don't forget the outtakes at the end of the show...
Don't forget to also listen to The Guardian Hub podcast with Kingsleymac and co-hosts.
Interview: -7:46
SpeedRun: -1:02:46
TWAB: -1:13:15
Community Questions: -1:50:45
Spotify playlist: -2:34:30