Feb. 22, 2021

Episode 83: "Tubby Custard" ft Not Arf

Episode 83:

Special Guest: Not Arf

We're two dads that love everything in the Destiny Universe and we talk about it...this week's guest is a gaming dad and Destiny lore expert...he's also the lore host for Two Titans and a Hunter Podcast and we "borrowed" him for an episode filled with the new Destiny lore...it's our friend, Not Arf...we also hear his story and how he found Destiny.  Hazel goes over the TWAB for this 2nd week of Season of the Chosen and we express our impressions thus far.  We take questions from our Guardian Down Cast Discord and Speakpipe voice messaging.  We add more songs to our Guardian Down Cast Spotify playlist and now iTunes Music.  Don't forget the outtakes at the end of the show! 


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Interview: -6:09

SpeedRun: -52:56

TWAB: -59:21

Lore Segment: -1:48:01

Community Questions: -2:20:40

Spotify playlist picks: -3:08:28