July 6, 2020

Episode 51: "How to Knock a 2-ton Bull on it's Butt" ft KittyFails92

Episode 51:

Special Guest: KittyFails92

We're two dads that love everything in the Destiny Universe and we talk about it...this week's guest is a mom, gamer and awesome raid sherpa...KittyFails92.  You can also join her on twitch.tv/kittyfails92

and her clan Nightmare Raiders...this week we hear her very interesting story, the TWAB and our love of CBMM...we also answer questions from our Guardian Down Cast Community Discord and Twitter.  We also add two songs each to our Guardian Down Cast playlist on Spotify and now iTunes.  Don't forget the amazing outtakes at the end of the show...




Talk to us:



GDC Destiny Clan

T-shirts, stickers, etc.