June 15, 2020

Episode 48: "Arrivals of Bungie Reveals" ft Jellis - Destiny 2

Episode 48:

Special Guest: Jellis Gaming

We're two dads that love everything in the Destiny Universe and we talk about it...this week's guest is an active GDC community member and clan leader...he streams Destiny 2 at twitch.tv/jellisgaming ...he also likes to "get that BREAD"...our friend, Jellis.  This week is all about the Destiny 2 Reveal and the new Season of Arrivals.  We also settle Hazel and Gatrs' bets from Episode 44: A Gentleman's Wager.  Of course, we answer questions from our Guardian Down Cast Discord Community and add two songs each to our Guardian Down Cast playlist on Spotify and now iTunes .  Don't forget the outtakes at the end of the show!


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