April 20, 2020

Episode 39: "Guardian Down Hubcast" ft Guardian Hub Podcast

Episode 39:

Simulcast episode with Guardian Hub Podcast

We're a couple of dads that love the Destiny Universe and we talk about it...this week's episode is the first "dual podcast-simulcast" with our friends at the Guardian Hub Podcast with co-hosts Cyn and Kingsleymac in which we catch up and discuss new ways to make Destiny 2 fresh in this mid season environment.  Hazel goes over the current "This Week at Bungie" blog, and we answer questions from our Guardian Down Cast Discord Site and maybe a few also from The Guardian Hub Discord Site and add two songs each to our Guardian Down Cast playlist on Spotify and now on iTunes and don't forget the crazy outtakes at the end of the show...

Where to find us:

Guardian Down Cast on Twitter

Guardian Down Cast Destiny Clan

Hazel on Twitter

G_A_T_R on "The Twitter"

YouTube Channel

Email: guardiandowncast@gmail.com