March 8, 2020

Episode 32: "Astronaut, Rock Star, Porno Man!" ft. Stu_Gatz

Episode 32:

Special Guest: Stu_Gatz

We're a couple of dads that love the Destiny Universe and we talk about it...this week, we talk with a dad, community member, gamer and one of the OG co-hosts of Dads' Tales Podcast...our friend, Stu_Gatz.  We hear his story, catch up on the week in entertainment and gaming, review the TWAB for this week and as our main discussion, we discuss the myriad of entertainment streaming services out there and our favorites.  We also add two songs each to our Guardian Down Cast playlist on Spotify and now, iTunes ...and finally, take questions from our community Guardian Down Cast Discord server and Guardian Down Cast Twitter and don't forget the outtakes at the end of the show!

Distinguished Gentlemen Presents podcast

Twitter: Stu_Gatz



G_A_T_R's YouTube Channel