Feb. 17, 2020

Episode 29: "34 out of 10" ft. ElmmerFuddGames

Episode 29:

Special Guest: ElmmerFuddGames

We're a couple of dads who love the Destiny Universe and we talk about it...in this week's show, we catch up with a returning guest from Episode 5, a dad of two, a Twitch Streamer , and the creator of the Just Some Guardians Podcast and just an overall cool guy...34/10 to be exact...we also discuss social anxieties, This Week at Bungie, and the community event, The Empyrean Foundation...we also answer questions from our Guardian Down Cast Discord Server and Twitter , and add two songs to our Guardian Down Cast playlist on Spotify and now iTunes - don't forget the outtakes at the end of the show!

Twitter: ElmmerFuddGames

Twitter: G_A_T_R

Twitter: Hazelnt

G_A_T_R's YouTube Channel