Jan. 20, 2020

Episode 25: "That's Called On-the-Job Training" ft. Chris3711

Episode 25:

Special Guest: Chris3711

We're a couple of dads who love the Destiny Universe and we talk about it...join Gatr and Hazel as we interview community members and content creators, discuss all things Destiny and have a great time hanging out!  We also answer our community Discord Server and Twitter questions and add two songs each to our Guardian Down Cast playlist on Spotify and don't forget the outtakes at the end of the show...

This week's guest is a fantastic community member and certified in Mental Health First Aid, a dad and gamer who also happens to be a Master Carpenter...our friend Chris3711...we hear his story, talk about what we've been watching/gaming and our main discussion: Bungie's new form of content creation...

Twitter: Chris3711

"The Twitter" for G_A_T_R

Twitter: Hazel

G_A_T_R 's YouTube Channel