Nov. 3, 2019

Episode 15: "GOML!!" -Let's talk Iron Banner and Control Playlists

Episode 15:

Let's Talk Crucible and Iron Banner

We are three dads who love the Destiny Universe and we talk about it...join Gatr, Hazel and Easy as we interview community members and content creators, discuss all things Destiny and laugh along the way!  We also answer our community Discord Server and GDC Twitter questions from our listeners, and add two songs each to our Guardian Down Cast Spotify playlist and don't forget the bonus outtakes after the ending music...

This week, Gatr does a solo run and talks about the movies and TV shows he watched this last week and his opinions on each, he also highlights some important information from "This Week at Bungie".  He also posed a question to the community "What is the most frustrating thing you can think of in the Iron Banner and Control games in the Crucible?" and shares the responses he got...the major topic Gatr tackles is his take on playing Iron Banner and Control playlists and presents a strategy or two on what has been successful to him...if you have any questions or show input, you can also email us at 

The "Twitter" Gatr

Twitter: Hazel

Twitter: Easy

YouTube: Gatr