This week, Kingsleymac and ToddtheGatr go over their initial impressions of Destiny 2: Revenant Act 2 and the new Contest of Elders activity. They also go over their week and some extra clips from the that all the hosts were on this week. ...
This week, Kingsleymac and ToddtheGatr go over their initial impressions of Destiny 2: Revenant Act 2 and the new Contest of Elders activity. They also go over their week and some extra clips from the JSG Podcast that all the hosts were on this week. Who won the game? See the replay on ElmmerFuddGames Twitch channel.
Welcome to Guardian Down Cast: A Destiny Podcast...if you love to play the game Destiny 2, you've come to the right place. We're a podcast community full of like minded Guardians who love the game. Have you ever wondered who that gamertag next to you is in a raid? Where are they from? How did they find Destiny? Well, it's our mission to hear the stories of our Destiny community, wherever that may be. We report the latest updates and news within the game and community and we're a podcast that emphasizes our community, because without it, it's just not the same Destiny. That's why our show motto is "Guardian Down Cast...your stories, your community...your Destiny.
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