Feb. 13, 2023

Ep 186: "Send It!" ft SawcedWaffle

Ep 186:

Welcome to Guardian Down Cast: A Destiny Podcast...if you love to play the game Destiny 2, you've come to the right place.  We're a couple of a gamer dads that have played Destiny since that Day 1 release back in 2014 and we're just as passionate...

Welcome to Guardian Down Cast: A Destiny Podcast...if you love to play the game Destiny 2, you've come to the right place.  We're a couple of a gamer dads that have played Destiny since that Day 1 release back in 2014 and we're just as passionate about it today as we were back then.  We share the stories of Destiny content creators and community members and also discuss key topics/news within the game and community.


 This week we talk more Destiny 2 and all of the new changes coming to Lightfall...SpeedRun, questions from YOU and more...special announcement at the end of the show!

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