Welcome to Guardian Down Cast: A Destiny Podcast...if you love to play the game Destiny 2, you've come to the right place. We're a couple of a gamer dads that have played Destiny since that Day 1 release back in 2014 and we're just as passionate...
Welcome to Guardian Down Cast: A Destiny Podcast...if you love to play the game Destiny 2, you've come to the right place. We're a couple of a gamer dads that have played Destiny since that Day 1 release back in 2014 and we're just as passionate about it today as we were back then. We share the stories of Destiny content creators and community members and also discuss key topics/news within the game and community...this week we have another new guest on the show, he's an active community member who slays in the Crucible...it's our friend Frostbyte. He brings an interesting topic for us this week and we of course, cover the latest news from Bungie, we hear Frostbyte's journey in gaming and so much more...we also have our winners for our Question of the Month for June and present our question for July and it's a good one...it's a long one this week but man, did we have fun making it. Don't forget those outtakes at the end of the show and later Guardian!
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